Gummy Manufacturer
When you’re ready to bring your gummy supplement to market, Generation Nutra is the best choice to assist! Gummies have been and continue to be viewed as an accepted method of supplementing nutraceuticals. Generation Nutra has become the preferred gummy manufacturer for many clients due to our aggressive pricing and lead times.
We offer our customers endless gummy manufacturing options through our extensive list of raw material options. Whether you are looking for a stock private label gummy or looking to develop a proprietary blend, our team of seasoned formulation experts are here to help. To receive a quote please call us at (631) 665-4890 or click the link below.

Generation Nutra wants to be your supplement manufacturer.

The Bioavailability of Vitamins
Bioavailability is an important topic for both supplement manufacturers and consumers. High bioavailability is considered a good thing. Poor bioavailability is considered an issue. Are you interested in learning about the bioavailability of vitamins? What is...