What Services Should Supplement Manufacturers Provide?

What Services Should Supplement Manufacturers Provide?

There are a few boxes that a supplement manufacturer needs to tick. High quality is essential as you need a wide choice of supplements that are going to be popular and reliable. They should also offer a wide array of services such as labeling and correct storage. Here we take a look at everything that you should expect from a great supplement manufacturer.

Supplement Manufacturing

People take supplements in a wide variety of different ways. A supplement manufacturer should be able to offer a good selection and here we look at the options you should be given.

Tablet Manufacturing

A lot of people see taking tablets as their preferred method of taking supplements. They are often used when the initial taste on the tongue isn’t that unpleasant. This can be done by having them as a raw tablet but they can also be coated, glazed, capped or lamented. There are also sublingual tablets that diffuse under the tongue.

As well as the type of tablet, you can also get them in a great range of color, sizes and shapes to ensure that the customer gets exactly what they want. Text can also be added to tablets for a wide variety of different reasons.

Capsules Manufacturing

Capsules are also one of the most popular ways of taking supplements. They should be available in different shapes and sizes depending on the type of supplement and the customer’s needs. Capsules are required when the content of the supplement are unpleasant to taste and the supplement can instead be released in the stomach.

That capsules casing can be seen in a wide variety of different medicines and supplements as it’s very popular. There are also different ways it can be presented too with blister packs being very popular but also bottles.

Powder Manufacturing 

Capsules and tablets are a good way of disguising a bad flavor but with powers, you need to make sure that they taste good. This can be done via natural or artificial flavoring. There are plenty of people who prefer taking tasty powdered supplements as these are great for the likes of smoothies or adding to a drink of exercising. 


Gummy Manufacturing 


Gummy vitamins are perfect for children that may resist taking supplements via the usual methods. They can also be good for adults that struggle to take tablets. They can be made with a wide variety of different flavors as well as being manufactured with different shapes and colors. A good supplement manufacturer can make gummy vitamins look very appealing. 


Softgel Manufacturing


Not everyone can swallow tablets and that can be a problem for those wanting to take supplements. To counter this, manufacturers should be able to make soft gel tablets which are much easier to take. They have gained popularity with consumers who can take oil, powder and vitamins in a much easier way.


Liquid Capsule Manufacturing


Similar to soft gel, liquid capsules can hold liquids and a very easy to swallow. This can be great for absorption and the supplement can get to work more quickly than with other forms we’ve seen here. Cutting edge technology is required to produce a product that is brilliant for many consumers.




As well as being able to produce the exact product you want, there are also plenty of other aspects that can make a high-quality supplement manufacturer. Here we look at what else you should be looking for.


Customer Service


You need to know that your supplement manufacturer is going to be there should you have any queries or issues. Sometimes a unique solution may be required and you want to know how they can make that happen and what services they can offer.

Good partnerships are important for any business. You don’t want to be waiting days for a query to be answered as that could slow down the whole process. They should be able to have all the answers should you encounter a problem.


Finding the right flavor


Without flavor, some supplements would be very unpopular. A top-class manufacturer will be able to work with you to get the results that you want. It’s important to know exactly which types of flavor profiles work with different types of supplements.

This all needs to be done without compromising the effectiveness of the supplement. Sometimes flavors, tablet style and/or supplement ingredients aren’t compatible. A high-quality supplement manufacturer will be able to explain your options.


Compliance & Labeling


You can have the best product in the world but how it’s branded can make or break it. Not only do you want it to look but also ensure that it’s compliant with all regulations while displaying everything that is required by law.

A great label can tick all of these boxes while also having a design that can stand out from the crowd. A supplement manufacturer should be able to know the law and be able to back up any claims made on the packaging with solid facts.

Once the labeling has been completed, you need to be able to print it. This needs to have the level of printing that you’d expect. A manufacturer needs to give you exactly what you’re looking for with the level of volume that you need. Any loss of quality in the printing of labels can have a negative effect on the brand and the reputation of your business. 


Product management


A supplement manufacturer should also be able to help expand your range and ensure that your supplements are of the highest quality. 


Stock formula


Having stock formula available can help a company expand on its range of products and give more options to the customers that they’re serving. This can save a lot of money while still being able to have your private labels affixed to them. 




Any storage of supplements needs to be completed in the right environment where they won’t degrade over time. The storage facility should be able to keep those supplements in perfect conditions while organizing them in such a way that makes them easy to obtain when required.


Dynamic ordering


You’ll want your supplement manufacturer to be able to fulfill all of your order requirements. They may be able to help with complicated logistics and also being able to order stock. If all of this can be done in a simple way, it can increase the efficiency of your business.




Finally, you want to be able to get your product to your customers. Getting the right packaging will help to put the final touches to your supplements. This includes the bottled, bags or the packets that your supplements are going to be delivered in.

This can be more complicated than it seems such as ensuring the right number of pills does into a bottle or making soft gel tablets have enough protection. Your supplement manufacturer should be able to give you great advice on which solutions are going to be the best for you. 

The packaging of the product is not only about getting the right quantities and ensuring standards are met but also about selling your brand. Having a bespoke solution will allow you to get exactly what you need and match your expectations. With the right solutions, you’re going to be able to get the final product that you need.

The Little Green Algae That Could

The Little Green Algae That Could

3 billion years. That is how long chlorella, a single-cell green microalgae, has been around. It is the truest of superfoods, and is most often offered in powder or tablet form. In addition to its mighty powers in DNA-strengthening, longevity, detoxification, etc., chlorella is making huge strides on the market and is expected to skyrocket by 2024. Let’s learn why!


Chlorella algae powder has a higher protein content by weight than almost any other food—it is 60% protein by mass, whereas most other foods that we consider high protein–such as meat, eggs, and beans, are typically 20% or 40%. Chlorella is a complete protein, which means that it contains all the essential amino acids the body needs in order to produce feel-good neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin), and build strong, healthy muscle (consciouslifestylemag).


Fascinating enough, Earth’s natural ingredients, one being chlorella, can counteract harmful toxins and pollutants in the body. Chlorella is so spectacular this it is widely known as one of the most effective detoxifiers of chemicals, heavy metals, and radiation. Why? Chlorophyll! The chlorophyll content in chlorella binds to toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and prevents them from being absorbed into the body’s tissue (consciouslifestylemag, rawlsmd).


Chlorella invigorates the body’s natural detoxification process. While the body works to detoxify itself on its own, heavy metals and other toxins may still get lodged in fatty tissue and interrupt the immune system, causing chronic illness(es) (rawlsmd).


Rich in prebiotic fiber, chlorella helps to quickly multiply good probiotic bacteria in the gut. In fact, one Japanese study showed that supplementation with chlorella on an empty stomach tripled probiotic bacteria concentrations in the gut within a very short period of time (consciouslifestylemag).


In healthy human cells, chlorella has been proven to exert a protective effect against free radical and oxidative stress damage, both known to make signs of aging more apparent. And get this: “In older or already damaged cells, [chlorella] exhibits bioremedial effects, meaning that it works to repair telomeres and damaged parts of the cellular DNA from the inside out.” What importance does this have? According to existing medical knowledge, chlorella should theoretically extend one’s lifespan when taken regularly (consciouslifestylemag).


Obtaining vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids can sometimes be difficult when depending only on the foods we normally eat. Chlorella is FULL of vitamin B12, zinc, and such nutrients that are crucial to neurotransmitter levels, mood, proper function of the brain, the nervous system, reproductive system, and the immune system, among many other body processes (consciouslifestylemag). Most people get vitamin B12 and zinc from meat and seafood…vegetarians and vegans, chlorella is 100% plant-based! This supplement just keeps getting better and better!


History tells a story. If you dig deep enough, you will find that according to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, chlorella powder was discovered to supply ojas, which loosely translates to “life force” or “vitality.” Ayurvedic doctors claim that ojas can become depleted by age, stress, and toxins, but can be replenished by particular foods and herbs. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, chlorella provides yin energy, which means “it is restorative at the deepest levels of the body, calming to the nervous system and generally rejuvenative and nourishing. Yin foods are the perfect antidote to our modern culture of hyper-stimulation and over-activity…” (rawlsmd).


If the benefits aren’t enough, take it from someone who actually experienced the effects of chlorella firsthand. Dr. Bill Rawls, who did his fair share of research into the best superfoods for chronic Lyme disease and fibromyalgia, found that for him, chlorella was the answer. Dr. Rawls noticed a significant improvement in his gastrointestinal health, as everything seemed to just be working better. Chlorella soon made itself evident as a powerhouse for detoxification, immune support, and nourishment. Dr. Rawls shares “If you’re looking for easy ways to enhance your health […] adding chlorella to your diet might just be the simplest and most effective step you could take. I’ve been recommending it for 10 years to virtually everybody. So many people struggle with gut dysfunction or toxin issues; I believe chlorella should be a key part of recovery” (rawlsmd).


Chlorella is hands-down one of the most beneficial supplements to offer your customers. One that can help balance the mind, body, AND soul?! Can you think of anything better? I sure can’t! Call us or request a quote today! Our specialists are eager to get started on your next product!
Make Way for Moringa

Make Way for Moringa

Moringa oleifera is the next up and comer in the nutraceutical industry. It’s fresh, it’s trendy, but what does it do? More than we thought!


Commonly known as horseradish tree, drumstick tree (the resemblance is arguable), and ben tree, moringa oleifera is a small tree in Pakistan, India, and Nepal. It has been used for centuries in Eastern countries to prevent ailments such as anemia, arthritis, liver and heart disease, along with skin, respiratory, and digestive disorders (mindbodygreen).

While its pods, roots, bark, flowers, and seeds are all edible, people are becoming increasingly interested in moringa as a powder supplement. Moringa supplements are also made in the form of capsules.


Nearly every part of the drumstick tree are eaten or used as an ingredient in traditional herbal medicines. Its leaves and pods are especially nutritious. In fact, one cup of fresh chopped leaves contains Vitamins A, B6, and C, riboflavin, magnesium, iron, and protein (healthline).

A study actually found that leaf extracts of the tree had higher free-radical-scavenging capacity, antioxidant activity, and higher inhibition of protein, lipid, and DNA oxidation than its seeds and flowers. Why is this good? Moringa oleifera can prevent the damage and degradation that free radicals cause in the cells of different organs in the body, maintaining their proper functions (mindbodygreen). Let’s learn more about what the horseradish/drumstick/ben tree has to offer.


Blood Sugar: Research shows that moringa has the ability to help lower blood sugar levels.

Antioxidants: Multiple antioxidant plant compounds have been found in the leaves of moringa oleifera. That includes Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid–all powerful antioxidants. One study involving women found that taking 1.5 teaspoons (7 grams) of moringa leaf powder every day for three months considerably increased blood antioxidant levels.

Mental health: Moringa’s high levels of vitamins C and E can fight off oxidation that leads to neuron deterioration. This magical supplement has the power to normalize neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine in the brain, influencing mood, organ function, memory, and response to stimuli (mindbodygreen).

Inflammation: Scientists believe that isothiocyanates are the key anti-inflammatory compounds in moringa leaves, seeds, and pods, helping to prevent the development of infections. Infections are caused by sustained inflammation and can lead to chronic health complications, including cancer and heart disease (healthline).

Cholesterol: We know that high cholesterol levels are directly related to an increased risk of heart disease. While many plant foods such as flaxseeds, almonds, and oats can lower bad cholesterol, moringa oleifera might have similar effects. That means it can potentially lower the risk of heart disease—saving lives.


The best part about this supplement, in my opinion, is its versatility. Sure, capsules are easy and convenient, but you can give your customers the option to blend moringa oleifera with their favorite smoothie or drink. Moringa’s powder form has a mild flavor, which makes for a light moringa tea with a slightly earthy taste. Who loves tea? I know I do.


Makers Nutrition is a one-stop shop. We specialize in all forms of supplements, all of your manufacturing needs, and the most efficient avenues to success. Moringa oleifera is on the rise and will take the main stage in 2019… better get started now! Call us today at 1-844-231-7271 or request a quote today!
Looking Beyond the Pill Format

Looking Beyond the Pill Format

With so many nutraceutical delivery formats to choose from these days, selecting the right format to match your formula can be confusing.

The traditional tablet/pill format has not gone to the way side but rather been joined by an array of alternative delivery options: gummies, powders, liquids, softgels and more.

Bear in mind, choosing a format cannot be underestimated when mapping out your supplement manufacturing plan as consumers are demanding more and more easy-to-use, innovative solutions. In addition, the nutraceutical consumer wants a delivery system that ensures their formula is meeting their specific health and/or performance needs.

Manufacturers and marketers should know that dosage forms for delivery of these ingredients can make as big a difference in consumer satisfaction as the ingredients themselves. In fact, delivery formats can maximize the potential benefit of those ingredients.

Here’s the scoop on the most popular supplement formats.


The traditional pill cannot be dismissed as it is often the most cost-effective delivery system and can hold/contain a lot of ingredients/materials. Tablets are also the most shelf stable of formats and retain their potency. If you do decide to go the tablet route, you can select different shapes that best represent your brand such as squares, triangles, diamonds or even irregular shapes such as hearts, stars, etc., What’s more you can imprint information directed to the consumer, regarding your brand, formula name and so forth.

However, large tablets can be hard for some people (particularly the elderly or kids) to swallow (unless they are chewables). In addition, tablets can offer more dosing challenges compared to liquids and powders.


Capsules are two-piece gelatin capsules that are highly popular in the realm of both supplements and medications. Capsules are easy-to-swallow and break down quickly in the digestive tract, Vegetarian capsules that are gelatin-free are fast gaining popularity.

People often choose capsules if they need to break them and add their powdered contents mixed into food or shakes. This is especially convenient for kids.

However, capsules can be limited by their space and potency restrictions. Their contents cannot be compressed as in tablets. Also, since capsules are not air-tight, their shelf-life is shorter than tablets.


Liquids (energy shots, tinctures and extracts) are easy to ingest, making them attractive as well to those who have trouble swallowing tablets. Some customers choose liquids based on the belief that they may absorb faster than some other nutraceutical formats.

On the flip side, liquids have shorter shelf life. They are harder to travel with and are not as portable as tablets or capsules. They may also require refrigeration.


Softgels are one-piece gelatin capsules that are used for liquid or oil-based formulas. Because of their smooth contour and shape, softgels are very easy-to-swallow. Under normal circumstances, the human body will absorb more nutrients from a dietary supplement, ingested in softgel form, in comparison to tablets or hard shell capsules. This advantage is particularly beneficial if your formula contains ingredients that are challenging for the body to absorb.

Softgels also boast excellent shelf-life since they are sealed tightly compared to capsules, powders and liquids. However, altering the dose of softgels can be tricky since they can’t be neatly broken or opened up.


In healthy human cells, chlorella has been proven to exert a protective effect against free radical and oxidative stress damage, both known to make signs of aging more apparent. And get this: “In older or already damaged cells, [chlorella] exhibits bioremedial effects, meaning that it works to repair telomeres and damaged parts of the cellular DNA from the inside out.” What importance does this have? According to existing medical knowledge, chlorella should theoretically extend one’s lifespan when taken regularly (consciouslifestylemag).


Gummy bear formulas are highly popular delivery methods for nutritional supplements, favored by both kids and grownups. Children are attracted to these chewy formats because they are fun and tasty. Flavor is an important factor for adults, too, which is why they often choose gummies. And of course, the chew factor eliminates the need to swallow.

At Makers Nutrition, we offer the highest quality supplement formats for our clients to choose from. Our experts will guide you through making the best format decisions to give your product a competitive edge.